Medium Blog Illustration-v2-10.png



Austin, Texas

Illustration | Iconography | Marketing Design | UI/UX Design

I worked at RigUp for one year as the first hired graphic designer fulfilling working directly with the product and marketing teams. With the product team working on the 2.0 version of the software and site, I was able to help the product designer with some of the UI/UX Design from a marketing perspective, as well as provide illustrations and icons for the new home page, subsequent information pages, and the 404 page! Part of my work was noted to helping secure Series B funding for the company. RigUp has since re-branded to Workrise.

Homepage: Before (L) and After (R)
RigUp Homepage Calculator.png

Information Pages

Illustrations: Information Pages and Error Page

Hero Illustration: RigUp Mobile App

Illustration mockups-06.png

Spot Illustrations: RigUp Mobile App (Step-by-Step)